Chromatography data system for running samples
Project setup wizard for quick and simple set up of your experiments
Calibration runs - internal and external standard methods
System stability tests
Data analysis and creation of reports
Spectra tools included
Report output allows to use all the benefits from ReportViewer software
ChromSword DataSystem is a versatile and user-fiendly chromatography data system that simplifies any routine analysis task. You can easily create sequences for multiple samples and methods with a few clicks. The software includes automated external and internal standard methods for sample analysis streamlining your analytical workflows.
DataSystem outputs data in ReportViewer which provides advanced data analysis capabilities and automatically generates reports
Create sequences in seconds
ChromSword DataSystem allows you to modify even most complicated sequences in just few seconds with automatic adjustments for switching columns, solvents, buffers and other chromatographic parameters.

Modify running sequences
ChromSword offers maximum flexibility to users, allowing to create, modify, delete sequences while the system is running.

Advanced reporting tools that simplify data analysis
See capabilities here